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In this Yoga undertaking, the Shastras (Ancient Sacred Writings)
enjoined that to be Successful and be Free from harm, one must seek
the guidance of bona fide Guru, who himself
has learned from his Gurudeva.

Tulsikrishna with Srila Narayan Maharaj (Feb 12,1999)

Serine Vastolo on Vrkasana (tree pose)

Tulsikrishna with students Serine Vastolo and Joanna Lhuillier

Tulsikrishna with Mary Ann Aboitiz Arculi and the Twins!

Tulsikrishna with yoga students May Te and Milo Osmena

With Yoga Students Carla Alegrado and sister Maris Uy

Tulsikrishna with Margot Osmena and Amparito Lhuillier

Srimati Radharani's Footprint at Varshana India

with Suzy Oliver and Sandra Pesch

With Hank Aboitiz and Amparito Lhuillier
My Gurudev Tulsikrishna and Bernie Aboitiz

With my brother Waffy and sister Malou
with Carla Alegrado and Maris Uy

with Yoga Students Jalen Palacio and Aimil Sarmiento
Serine Vastolo doing the Nataraj Posture

May Te and Tulsikrishna
Yoga Class at Fitness Advantage Waterfront Hotel Cebu

With my Guru Narayan Maharaj
Tasty Vegetarian Food at Persian Palate anyone??? (with Jojie Garcia & Karina Go)

My late father; the very first person
to inspire me to take up Yoga.

My late mother ; the very first person who
always appreciate my vegetarian cooking.

Tulsikrishna with Joy Benedicto

Heathy Body, Peaceful Mind...