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My Line of Disciplic Succession

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The Path of Understanding...

To understand this path, one is adviced to seek the
guidance of a BONA FIDE Guru in the Unbroken Line of Disciplic Succession.. One cannot be a Guru if  he has no Guru who anointed him to be so...

Tulsikrishna being blessed by his Guru Srila Narayan Maharaj

Tulsikrishna is the 12th in the long line of Disciplic Succession of Madva Brahma Sampradaya

Mission Statement

We are not here in this world without meaning. The ancient Shastras (Sacred Scriptures) are like the manual that will lead one to find the purpose of life. The Vedas ( Bhagavad -Gita in particular ) outlines a perfect path to achieve a healthy body , peaceful mind... that is in harmony with the whole creation and its Creator. This Ayurveda program is just one of the facilities given to us to have a glimps towards that purpose...

Healthy Body, Peaceful Mind

Do you have any question? Please find time to call me :
MobileFone: +639174031777
Email : tulsi_krishna@lycos.com